Bee Escapes

Efficiently Clear Bees from Honeycombs with Bee Escapes

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Plastic 8 way bee escape Bee Escapes

Plastic 8 way bee escape

Price 1 .5
Porter Bee Escape Bee Escapes

Porter Bee Escape

Price 0 .95
Bee drone cone escape for pollen traps Pollen traps

Bee drone cone escape for pollen traps

Price 0 .29
16-way Plastic Bee Escape Bee Escapes

16-way Plastic Bee Escape

Price 1 .95
Bee Escapes

Bee Escapes

In order to take out the honey in the apiary and to be able to remove the honey supers it is necessary to take out the bees from the frames. Either by means of smoke, with a brush, with air blowers, with bee escapes or with any other method to repel bees. Whatever artifice is used, workers do not instantly abandon their honeycombs; they need several minutes or, in the case of bee escape, several hours. Here you will find all the necessary tools for a correct unwinding.