Vibrating Bee Pollen shaker screener machine for dry or fresh pollen. It has two independent 230 V vibrating motors and a two meters connecting cable. It is made of stainless steel with hopper and opening gate at the bottom.
Normally they are screened after drying just before pouring them into the drum, they can also be screened before drying. It screens the largest impurities/contamination such as bees corpses or others but does not remove dust, legs or wings.
External measurements 118 x 102 x 102 centimetres. Size of the large sieve tray: 112 x 82 centimetres. Power regulator. Interchangeable sieve. We have different models of sieves to fit the use (5 and 4).
Vibrating Bee Pollen shaker screener machine for dry or fresh pollen. It has two independent 230 V vibrating motors and a two meters connecting cable. It is made of stainless steel with hopper and opening gate at the bottom.