The Beecomplet of always, but in a format thought for the professionals, who have pump of transfer and/or feeders to deposit the food in the beehive. It is packaged in typical honey drums (they are not new, are second use) with an inner bag that houses the food. It is stored in an inner bag because the Beecomplet must not come into contact with food paint. The advantage of this format, in addition to the consequent savings in price, is that once consumed, the drums are reused to transport paintings, store pollen with bags, etc..
The Beecomplet of always, but in a format thought for the professionals, who have pump of transfer and/or feeders to deposit the food in the beehive. It is packaged in typical honey drums (they are not new, are second use) with an inner bag that houses the food. It is stored in an inner bag because the Beecomplet must not come into contact with food paint. The advantage of this format, in addition to the consequent savings in price, is that once consumed, the drums are reused to transport paintings, store pollen with bags, etc..