Apimix® is a partially inverted sugar syrup, perfect for stimulating hives before flowering. It contains 100% assimilable glucose and fructose, free from HMF and toxic polysaccharides. Enriched with vitamins and amino acids, it enhances bee health and performance. Formulated at 66°Brix, its high fructose content prevents crystallization in cold areas. Safe and effective for feeding between flowerings, spring stimulation, and maintenance during cold seasons.
Features and Benefits
• Optimal Nutritional Composition
Apimix® consists of 100% assimilable glucose and fructose, ensuring that bees can fully utilize the provided energy without risk of toxicity. Additionally, it contains 40±2% fructose, 30±2% dextrose, and 30±2% sucrose.
It does not contain polysaccharides (also known as higher sugars) which are indigestible and potentially toxic to bees. Furthermore, it is free from hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), a harmful compound that can cause diarrhea and death in bees.
• Supplemented with Vitamins and Amino Acids
Apimix® includes a balanced mix of vitamins and amino acids that enhances the health and performance of the hive, improving nectar and pollen collection during flowering.
• Easy Assimilation and Consumption
Formulated at 66°Brix, Apimix® offers an adequate viscosity for agile and efficient consumption. It is also available in a 75°Brix variant (bulk only) for slower consumption, ideal for maintenance during cold seasons.
Its high fructose content formula prevents crystallization in cold areas, ensuring continuous and effective feeding.
Why Choose Apimix® Over Other Syrups?
• Comparison with High Fructose Syrups
High fructose syrups come from the hydrolysis of starch and contain polysaccharides that are indigestible and can be toxic in high concentrations. Apimix®, on the other hand, comes from the enzymatic hydrolysis of sucrose, producing only assimilable glucose and fructose.
It is crucial to read and interpret the technical data sheets of bee feeds to identify and avoid non-assimilable sugars present in other market products. This ensures safe and effective feeding for the hives.
• Efficiency in Stimulation
Many high fructose syrups contain a significant percentage of non-assimilable polysaccharides, reducing energy efficiency. Apimix® ensures that 100% of its sugars are assimilable, maximizing the conversion of sugars into available energy.
• Safe Production Process
Apimix® is produced through an enzymatic process that does not require acidic conditions or high temperatures, ensuring a product free of HMF and safe for your bees. This offers total assurance compared to homemade syrups prepared by manually inverting sugar or buying cheap liquid sugars with high HMF content, which can cause severe problems.
Instructions for Use
To effectively stimulate the hive before flowering, follow these recommendations:
• Administer one 1 kg bag of Apimix® directly in the hive feeders.
• Alternatively, puncture the bag according to the instructions and place it in the hive for direct administration.
• Especially suitable for feeding between flowerings, spring stimulation, forming new nuclei, and maintenance during cold seasons.
Stimulating your colonies is straightforward with Apimix, an inverted sugar syrup enriched with vitamins and free amino acids. Its flexible packaging makes application easy and safe, while the enzymatic production process ensures a syrup free of HMF—ideal for giving your bees a boost right before the flowering season. Apimix helps you keep your colonies in peak condition when they need it most.