10 Frames Dadant complete beehive with telescoping cover, bottom board and a brood body. Made of wood. Comes with 10 Hoffman frames. Not includes supers.
https://www.latiendadelapicultor.com/en/dadant-beehives/10f-dadant-brood-beehive-without-super.html117310F Dadant brood beehive (without super)<p>10 Frames Dadant complete beehive with telescoping cover, bottom board and a brood body. Made of wood. Comes with 10 Hoffman frames. Not includes supers.</p>https://www.latiendadelapicultor.com/7066-home_default/10f-dadant-brood-beehive-without-super.jpg47.95instock47.9539.628100/BEEHIVES/BEEHIVES/Dadant Beehives/BEEHIVES/Wooden Beehives1171819
Reviews about 10F Dadant brood beehive (without super)
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10 Frames Dadant complete beehive with telescoping cover, bottom board and a brood body. Made of wood. Comes with 10 Hoffman frames. Not includes supers.