Complementary feed only with natural ingredients, used worldwide since 2005. Format Nozevit 200ml.
Vegetable compound based on vegetable polyphenol and purified water, is characterized by: Only based on natural ingredients Leaves no residue in honey or wax Suitable for organic and conventional beekeeping Proven in numerous clinical tests and field trials Simple to apply The new formula contains the same active ingredients as Nozevit but with more vitamins, essential oils and citric acids that stabilize the intestinal pH and improve digestion helping them recover quickly. As a food supplement for bees the dose is 2ml per beehive applied in two doses of 1ml. Package of 200ml. It can treat up to 100 hives (including two shots).
Josip Kefelja Beekeeper of Varazdin "We maintain a large number of hives. We use Nozevit preventively throughout the year. Eng. Barbara Kefelja Beekeeper of Varaždin Results to date have shown no side effects. We haven't lost any bees, thanks to Nozevit and Nozevit".
Complementary feed only with natural ingredients, used worldwide since 2005. Format Nozevit 200ml.