Honey sump tank made of double-walled stainless steel AISI 304. It has five removable strainers (gates) of different light steps (ranging from 3mm to 1mm) and inclined bottom. The chamber between the two walls contains water heated by an electric resistance with thermostat. This makes filtering much easier. At the exit you can put a transfer pump and take the honey to ripeners or drums.
Construction AISI 304 stainless steel
Honey sump tank made of double-walled stainless steel AISI 304. It has five removable strainers (gates) of different light steps (ranging from 3mm to 1mm) and inclined bottom. The chamber between the two walls contains water heated by an electric resistance with thermostat. This makes filtering much easier. At the exit you can put a transfer pump and take the honey to ripeners or drums.