Watercooled Foundation machine Langstroth size 42x20m. Made by Puff Graz©.
Easy to operate Foundation mould with high capacity. The mould consists of two separate moulds which are cooled in a waterbath. Pour the liquid beeswax with a dipper into the open mould and close it. Turn the mould 180º around and a second mould will be turned above. Here you take a finished foundation out of the mould and pour a new portion of liquid beeswax into the mould.
Because the one foundation is cooled while you empty and fill the second mould this machine is very efficient. Cooling is done in an ordinary water bath and the water needs to be cooled by pouring new cooler water once in a while into the vat. The capacity is up to 120 foundations sheets per hour.
Watercooled Foundation machine Langstroth size 42x20m. Made by Puff Graz©.